circadian rhythm and sleep disorder

How To Reset Your Body Clock and Sleep Better?

What is Body Clock (Circadian Clock)?

Today, more and more, our lives are being influenced by modern technology and especially high-frequency blue light. We are living in social jet lag, and our body clock (circadian rhythm) continuously disrupted – this has a lasting influence on our biology.

There is more and more scientific evidence that shows the connection between current living conditions; they changed the circadian rhythm and the high number of chronic and degenerative diseases. Thousands of people in modern societies have chronic insomnia, metabolic, cardiovascular, and neurodegenerative disease. These numbers are increasing exponentially every year alongside with the advances in technology and science in medicine.

Circadian Rhythms And Sleep Deprivation?

First, let’s see the most typical example of a circadian cycle disruption – it’s jet lag. Most of us have experienced jet lag at some point in life. When we are changing time zones – the further your destination is from your home, the more you will feel it, our bodies are confused with the rapid changes in the environment. It usually takes a few days to the new time zone.

During those few days, we typically have disturbed sleep cycles – insomnia. Waking up at night and crushing during the day, excessive sleepiness, difficulty concentrating and functioning at your usual level, stomach problems, headaches and mood changes. These symptoms are a classic example of a circadian rhythm disruption.

Another excellent example of circadian cycle disruption is watching TV before going to sleep or checking your computer and mobile devices. You are getting exposed to the blue light frequencies at night, and your circadian clock receives the signal that its daytime when it’s not.

Your body will react by not releasing the night hormone Melatonin, and you will not get sufficient sleep and repair, which will reflect itself in a lack of energy in the morning and during the day.

Instead of fixing the problem, most people start making excuses that they are “night owls” or “early birds”, the while disrupting their biology and creating a circadian mismatch. If you have an ongoing lack of sleep, sleep disorder or sleep deprivation symptoms, and want to know how to sleep better, you must identify the factors that cause your insomnia.


The best sleep aid is getting a better understanding of the Circadian Rhythm!

Invest 2 minutes of your time and for FREE Sleep Questionnaire. Analyze your sleep pattern and identify the factors in your daily routine and environment, which will help you to resolve insomnia and reinstall healthy restorative sleep. You get an ultimate answer on how to sleep better and ways to improve your Circadian Rhythm.


Circadian Rhythm Artificial Light.

One more important factor that influences your sleep is light. Did you know that to get a good night sleep you must prepare your sleep routine in the morning?

If you are not getting adequate sunlight frequencies in the morning, the release of all hormones related to arousal and alertness are disturbed. You will need an extra shot of coffee to keep going. Getting exposed to the right light frequencies in the morning is crucial for setting up your timing system.


How Does a Circadian Rhythm Affect Our Body Temperature?

It’s not only light that tells our biological clocks it’s time for bed. The temperature also plays a significant role in this process.

It’s not the clock which is keeping the time; it’s your body.


As the clock approaches wakefulness, our circadian system heats the body. When its time for bed, the circadian system lowers our internal temperature and its nothing to do with the room temperature you are sleeping in.

The little changes in body temperature are sending a signal to the cells and synchronise internal clock and body time for the necessary physiological processes.
There may be a time in the future when the temperature is used to treat circadian sleep disorders, as much as light therapy and melatonin are used today.

Together with light and temperature, the food intake has a significant impact on circadian cycles. Scientists discovered that pigments in our eye and skin could scan time by receiving different light frequencies generated by earth rotation and its geophysical consequences. Our bodies evolved during evolution by the accumulation of energy from food produced by the cyclical movements of earth rotation and changes of seasons.

Circadian Rhythm And Food Supply.

In our globalised world, food availability is abundant, and seasons do not exist anymore because of scientific and technical advances. There were no bananas in December in Alaska, Russia or Scandinavia but yet the human race thrived in the northern latitudes. Food availability for all life forms, including humans was based on the changes of seasons with their different light cycles for millions of years.

The question is, what happens if we distance ourselves from the natural circadian cycles?

How Do Circadian Cycles Work?

Our brains can be easily fooled by all kinds of cultural beliefs, diet dogmas, and eating habits, which give you a sense of identity. But our body is always trying to keep time thanks to the integrated circadian system.

Each cell and each organ system reacts cyclically to the light and dark cycles in a particular manner. If it gets confused by artificial light during the night or specific food which is not available under natural condition during a specific season, obesity and type 2 diabetes increase exponentially.

Circadian cycles are the reality of how evolution intended us to be. There is a certain amount of time and a certain amount of energy in life. If your energy system is failing before time is over, you are living a vegetative life!

Importance of Circadian Rhythm?

We must remember that circadian rhythm is not only managing sleep and wakefulness. It also controls everything from energy metabolism, physical performance, vitality, the mood, psychological health, sleep cycles in all cells and organs of the body.

The circadian rhythm determines how we experience life. We can experience life with full energy and confront all situations, and challenges with all our power or we experienced life fatigued and burned out. We all know how a day like this looks like.

So the quality of your life and your health and resilience is highly related to that circadian rhythm.

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