About Doctor

Why am I doing preventive medicine?

My name is Dr Alexander Zeuke. After 20 years working as a general surgeon, I found myself confronted with the reality and helplessness of conventional medicine to prevent chronic disease.

I have realized that the demographic changes in the world, involving a growing number of elderly are prompting a dramatic increase in age-related health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, metabolic disease and neurodegenerative diseases which cause pain and hardship not only for patients but the involved family members as well.

National health systems and private health providers are overwhelmed by this fact. They are not offering sufficient support or solutions to meet the challenges of a widespread epidemic of chronic health conditions while the alternative medicine community is concentrating without great success on stress, insomnia, diet and exercise.

A paradigm shift in modern medicine has to take place, and new strategies have to be implemented in the daily life of each person to create meaningful changes. In my daily work in hospitals and my private practice, I also realized that the everchanging working conditions in a digitalized and globalized world have an impact on the health of the younger generations.

Sleep disorder, stress-related issues, anxiety, and depression are the cause of many diseases. More and more people are disconnected from the natural conditions of existence. Sleep aids, anti-anxiety or antidepressive drugs are often prescribed to young adults instead of lifestyle interventions.

Sleep disorder and low energy levels in young adults are not an exception anymore but considered an essential facet of modern existence. In my daily practice, I have implemented advanced diagnostic methods and therapeutic strategies to enhance peoples sleep and energy levels, general well being, and stress coping abilities to improve their life efficiently.

Medkore Coaching

In my coaching sessions, people learn how to overcome or prevent chronic health conditions and get back their energy and vitality. I am focussing on all aspects of health and well being. With innovative diagnostic tools, including comprehensive laboratory scans, genetic testing and lifestyle assessment, clients learn the cause of their health condition, which often lies in their toxic environment.

My goal is to implement long-lasting lifestyle interventions based on scientific evidence to get back to normal as soon as possible. Our online coaching sessions empower people to control their health and not fall into the trap of chronic medication or diet dogmas.