Does lavender make you sleepy?

Does Lavender Make You Sleepy?

The smell is an essential sense in our life; it influences our perception, mood, and even memory.

Our receptor cells detect the scent and send a message to the brain, generating different emotional reactions, including restfulness or irritation.

The brain can associate a specific smell and influence nervous system response. Exposure to enjoyable scents activate the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) by reducing the stress and generating calmness.

The smells in our environment play a significant role in sleep hygiene.

There is one way to improve sleep quality by optimising your bedroom aroma. Cosy and relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom has positive emotional effects on our body and promotes sleep.

One of the natural ways to improve the bedroom aroma is to place a lavender plant next to your bed.


Lavender Plant Benefits

Because of its proven benefits on mental and physical health, lavender has become a popular natural remedy. According to scientific research, the lavender plant has the highest concentrations of linalool.

Inhaling linalool reduces the stress level, increasing sleep duration and raising white blood cells level and boosting the immune system. Moreover, lavender scent neutralises unpleasant odours by saturating the air with phytoncides.


Lavender Sleep Products

Another good option to naturally unwind after a stressful day is to place dried lavender flowers or small sachets inside the pillow slip or apply the organic lavender pillow spray. Lavender scent candle is an excellent way to achieve a meditative atmosphere in your bedroom.

If you are sleeping with an eye mask, opt for a lavender eye mask, it might help you not only to fall asleep quickly but can also diminish headaches or migraines.


Finally, does lavender make you sleepy?

Lavanda scent has a direct impact on your parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes relaxation and sedative effect on your body and mind and prepares you to sleep.


Lavender Medical Use

Because of the unique chemical constituents, lavender can be both aromatic and therapeutic. For example, the citral component is commonly used to produce creams and lotions. Valerian acid is used in the manufacture of medicine like analgesics, medications lowering blood pressure and rapid heartbeat, anxiety and sleeping drugs.

Furthermore, the lavender contains many antioxidants. It has a powerful antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory effect, it strengthens the immune system and may slow down the ageing process.


How To Use Lavender Oil For Anxiety

Lavender plant contains essential oils. Use 3-4 drops of essential oil for aromatherapy or body massage. It helps to improve memory, sleep quality, ease anxiety and depression.


Lavender Oil Benefits For Sleep

A bath with few drops of essential oil or lavender salt bath can extend deep sleep time at night. The good news is that lavender oil also inhibits the stimulant effects of caffeine in the body. It’s an excellent way to neutralise your afternoon coffee, so it is not interfering with your sleep routine.



Important: Lavender essential oil should never be taken internally!


Cooking With Lavender


In addition to the healing properties, lavender is also used in cooking. It can be added to salads, sauces, and as a meat seasoning, an excellent example is a lavender steak.

Certainly, it is worth trying aromatic lavender cookies and lavender ice cream! Lavender tea is a natural and homoeopathic remedy for women during menopause.


Lavender Side Effects


First of all, the lavender oil should not be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding and for young children.

According to the studies, the lavender plant has estrogen components (female hormones).  It is not advisable to use lavender products or lavender tea tree oil for young boys, as it may cause breast growth in boys.

Substances contained in lavender prevent the absorption of iodine and iron, so those who suffer from these elements deficiency should not use lavender products with the medicines containing iron or iodine.

Excessive consumption of lavender oil or herbal products can cause allergic reactions in some individuals.