We spend about one-third of our life sleeping. When it comes to improving wellbeing, performance, and body composition, sleep is as important as diet and exercise. Restful sleep helps the body and mind to recover; improves memory function; and keeps us lean, happy and healthy. Without restful sleep, we don’t feel well. Lousy sleep slathers on body fat; screws up the hormones; ages us faster; and predisposes people to chronic diseases, stress and burnout.
For example, in professional sports, lack of sleep is a huge issue. An athlete with sleeping issues cannot perform at his best and is exposed to injuries, chronic pain and stress. This is why many world-class athletes and high-performers make sleep their top priority. They know that sleep is essential for recovery and regeneration.
If we want it or not, nowadays, we are all high-performers. The challenges of modern societies and working environments demand a constant focus and high-energy levels, which are impossible to maintain without healthy sleep. Whether you are a manager, doctor, nurse, shift worker or a single mother, you need restorative sleep for all your physiological functions. Unfortunately, getting enough quality sleep has become challenging.